The Arc of Greater Brockton Team understands that individuals and families can experience various hardships from time-to-time. The following resources are available to provide assistance, and may be accessed throughout the year.

Friends of The Arc Helping Hand Fund
Our Charitable Fund is available to help individuals and families that need a helping hand to cover the cost of an unexpected bill, utilities expense, health care fee, housing expense, or transportation fee. The fund is also available to help pay for registration fees associated with the participation in recreation activities, camperships and skill development programs and services. For additional information and to receive an application contact your Case Manager or Family Support Coordinator.
Evolution of the Friends of The Arc Helping Hand Fund
The Friends of The Arc Helping Hand fund was first established in the early 1990’s through the generous support of local families who have given memorial donations to the organization in honor of a loved one. Through the years the charitable account was named after a few families who provided annual gifts to the fund, and the fund became known as the Lyon, Warniment, Gardner, Christensen Fund. The Board of Directors and entire organization greatly appreciates the generous contributions made by these families, and many others, over the years. Recognizing that a variety of families continue to support the charitable fund, the Board of Directors in 2021 changed the name of the fund so that it would not be solely named after four families. Families will now be recognized through a variety of communication platforms on an annual basis.
Family Support Center Giving Room
Our Family Support Center has a Giving Room that is open and stocked with non-perishable food items, as well as personal hygiene items. A newly installed freezer has a variety of frozen items to complete any meal. Personal Protection Equipment packets are also available which include a face shield, masks, hand sanitizer, alcohol wipes and gloves. Families can come into the facility at any time during regular business hours to select items they may need. The Giving Room is made possible through the generous support of many, including the United Way of Greater Plymouth County.
January Meal of the Month: Lazy Lasagna
Pick up the recipes and all the ingredients for a family of four at the Giving Room located in the Family Support Center at 1250 West Chestnut Street in Brockton. The Giving Room is open from 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Monday-Friday, and select early evenings and Saturdays. Contact Tracey Glynn at (508) 583-8030 x209 for additional information or to schedule a special pick up time.